Pearl Harbor Match
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Eastern
Event Type(s)
Match - Open to the Public
Event Description

Pearl Harbor Day Commemorative Rifle Shoot.

To commemorate Pearl Harbor Day we hold a rifle match on the 100 and 200 yard rifle ranges. Any semi-automatic or bolt action rifle Defined in the CMP Games Rulebook can be shot on either the 100 or 200 yard rifle ranges. These rifles can include M1903, M1903A3, Enfields, Mosin-Nagants, Garands, M1 Carbines, AR-15's, M1A's.

If you are unable to shoot positions, no problem. We have added a bench class. Bench shooters are allowed a non-adjustable front support (such as sand bags, wooden cradles, etc). But not a bipod, or adjustable rest such as Caldwell, or one piece sled. No rear bags. A sling is optional, with or with out a sand bag.

Classes firing CMP Garand short course (5 sighters, 10 rounds slow fire prone, 10 rounds rapid fire prone, and 10 rounds slow fire offhand). 

Vintage  Military / M1903 Springfield ( as issued).  M1 Garand   (as issued). M1 Carbine (as issued). Modern Military / Service Rifle (AR-15, M1A, etc).

Vintage  Class : Rifles meeting CMP games Rule Book Table 7 - Vintage Sniper Rifles and Scopes. Vintage Sniper Rifle course of fire. Each participant will fire 20 rounds using the CMP Vintage Rifle Range commands.

Medals will be awarded for first, second, and third places in each class, at the conclusion of the match.

Lunch will be provided to match participants. Lunch will be available to non-participants for $5.

Club has 4 Garands available for club member use. 30-06 M1 ammunition may be purchased from the Club for $25 for 35 rounds.

The cost for this event is $15 for members, $25 for non-members. Fee includes lunch, targets, and one relay. You can shoot more than once with the same, or different rifle. If you wish to shoot additional relays, the cost is $5 ($10 for non-members) for each relay.

Registration, weapons inspection, and squadding will begin at 7:30 AM. the day of event. First shots at 8:30 AM.

For more information, or to pre-register, please contact Mike Judd at or Paul Greigger at

Rifle Range @ Flager Gun Club
1290 CR 90 East
Bunnell, Fl 32110

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